Nitayānān Kīyāpic Ōta (We’re Still Here)

A Thesis Exhibition by Carly Morrisseau

Nitayānān Kīyāpic Ōta (We’re Still Here)

Carly Morrisseau

Niwi uta misk awaw nikawi, Diana Morrisseau. We nu ka nee kan is ka ko wak, ayisi wechatowak niseemak akwa nimis akwa nistas. Wena ayisi kis ken ni tak inini mowin ka ke si onas tak oma isi chi ka win unoch. Mi toni ni nisi tayin nawaw anoch akwa akistenimak nikawi, niti ininew moyan. Akwa nista ta atos ka ta man akota isi oma isi chi kawin kawi ati nikanotayak, asich nikawi, Marshall Morrisseau. Tapwa kichi kina nas ko mitin now waw.

I want to acknowledge my mother, Diana Morrisseau, the Matriarch of my family and whose knowledge of the N dialect has been instrumental in creating this exhibition. I address this directly to her in our Native language of Cree to show my commitment to learning Cree moving forward through immersion alongside my father, Marshall Morrisseau.

Nitayānān Kīyāpic Ōta translates to We’re Still Here and as a digital artist, I aim to create artwork that not only utilizes the N Dialect to depict Cree Syllabics, but to share how beautiful the language is. I create artwork using the digital art medium to connect back to my cultural identity, but also my artistic practice which combines the contemporary with the traditional. Through the cyclical nature of time and space, I have created artwork that documents my past, present, and future.

The following artwork titled: Continuum (2022, digital medium), arranged in a linear format that uses color to create cyclical time, in that there are no definite beginnings or endings. These experiences have provided a connection to my cultural identity as an Indigenous person and this idea guides my art practice as I continue to make artwork inspired by my culture and my lifelong goal of learning the Cree language.

Continuum represents my past, present and future in a series that are meant to challenge linear conceptions of time. The color palette of these designs informs the work through three main color choices: blue, yellow, and pink. The blue represents the first seven designs and documents the past, from my memory of the land to the color of our planet from outer space. The yellow represents the second seven designs and documents the present with the main figure representing my presence through work that has shaped me artistically, culturally, and personally. Finally pink represents the last seven and documents the future and all it can entail, from everything that I want to achieve including my endeavor to incorporate syllabics in modern spaces.

The choice to do these artworks digitally is purposeful and connects to the overarching theme of the exhibition. As an Indigenous person I have been held as an afterthought. That we, as Indigenous peoples do not exist, and are a relic of the past. However I have created artwork in a medium that is not only contemporary but combines this contemporary medium with the traditional by incorporating syllabics from a language that was once illegal to speak on our own land. By combining the traditional with the contemporary I not only celebrate the beauty of this writing system, but also give the Cree language the spotlight it has always deserved. I endeavor to show that we as Indigenous people will continue to thrive, create, and endure as we always have.



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Gallery View (Title Wall and Thesis Artist Statement)
Gallery View (Title Wall and Thesis Artist Statement)
Gallery View (Left Side Wall).
Gallery View (Left Side Wall).
Gallery View (Back Wall).
Gallery View (Back Wall).
Gallery View (Right Far Wall).
Gallery View (Right Far Wall).
Gallery View (Right Wall).
Gallery View (Right Wall).
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Continuum, Digital. 24x24, 2022.
Gallery View (Left Side Wall).
Gallery View (Left Side Wall).
Gallery View (Left Side Wide View).
Gallery View (Left Side Wide View).
Gallery View (Right Side Wide View).
Gallery View (Right Side Wide View).