With Time is an exhibition that conveys my experience of being in a long distance relationship on different sides of the Canadian / US border during the Coronavirus epidemic. While making artwork for my exhibition With Time, I have worked through my feelings about the separation from my wife Sam by putting my time and emotions into my art. With Time features mixed media artworks made from clay, paint, wax paper, and Kleenex. I use Kleenex as a material throughout the exhibition because of its uses for sadness and sickness. Relating to the sadness and emotions I’ve dealt with over the year, and the sickness of Coronavirus that has caused Sam and I’s separation. Using fragile materials such as Kleenex allows me to create works that exhibit temporariness such as time and emotions like loneliness, anger, frustration, and sadness. I am also exhibiting moments Sam and I have shared together before and during the epidemic using wax paper paintings. The wax paper is not an everlasting material and shows the temporariness of the situation we are in. Clay is being used as a material that shows both permanency and temporariness through being fired and non-fired. With Time exhibits intimate, difficult, and lonely parts of my relationship that have occurred during this brief and temporary point in my life that will only be fixed with time.